An Enhanced Learning Provision for Primary aged children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
“Our Enhanced Learning provision is for children who meet the Croydon admissions criteria and have been placed by the panel. We admit a maximum of 2 children per school year in Reception.”
Aims of the Provision
Our provision aims to provide a positive, happy learning environment for children with autistic spectrum disorders. We use a range of strategies based on our understanding of autism and the child’s individual needs, interests, strengths and learning styles. Specialist resources and tailored support help to develop their social, communication and independence skills.
Our Children
- Are primary aged children 4 – 11 years
- Have an EHCP with a diagnosis of ASD.
- Able to manage in a mainstream setting
- May have associated difficulties e.g. medical, learning, sensory
- May use a variety of communication methods e.g. Makaton, PECS
- We believe all children are unique, especially those with ASD.
Our Classes
- We have three classes, Ruby (Reception & KS1), Diamond (KS1), Sapphire (Lower KS2) and Emerald (Upper KS2)
- A sensory room, a cooking area and access to mainstream facilities
- Designated outdoor area for the ASD provision.
- In addition to the EYFS and National Curriculum we teach social skills, develop language and communication and attend to individual needs e.g. sensory
- Regular visits within our community to make learning experiences real.