Internet Safety
Online Safety at Kensington Avenue Primary School
Keeping Children Safe Online: A Shared Responsibility
Online safety is a joint effort between parents and staff at Kensington Avenue Primary School. We work together to ensure all users of the digital world are safe and that the same standards of behaviour expected in our community are applied online.
Protecting Our Children
As a community, we must be vigilant against online bullying, intimidation, discrimination, and exploitation. This includes both dangers from online users we know and, more importantly, from “stranger danger” online.
Online Safety at Kensington Avenue Primary
At Kensington Avenue Primary, online safety is a vital part of our safeguarding strategy. We have extensive security measures and safe working practices in place. These are monitored both internally and externally to protect pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material.
Children are taught in school how to stay safe and behave appropriately online. Just as you would in the real world, adults should educate children on how to handle online dangers. As a school, online safety incidents are dealt with according to our policies, with sanctions applied to those who exhibit unacceptable behaviour – See Online safety policy for applicable Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)
Working Together for a Safe Online Environment
The Internet is a great place to see more, learn more and have lots of fun. However, it can also be dangerous if it is not used responsibly. With ever growing popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, it’s easy to get caught up with inappropriate sites. Collaboration between staff and parents is essential to ensure a consistent online safety message for children. Adults should talk to their children about staying safe online, teaching them appropriate online behaviour, setting clear rules, and addressing any bad behaviour they encounter.
Every year the school digital leaders hold phase assemblies across the school as well as parent awareness sessions.
Here to Help
If you have any questions or concerns about online safety, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. We can offer advice and support, or direct you to resources that can help keep you and your children safe online.
Online Safety Policy
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) For Pupils and Parents/Carers
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) For Visitors and Contractors
Safer Internet Day – Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar and marks an opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community.
It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet. Get involved to play your part!
It is important that parents and school staff are engaged and well-informed in this area to ensure their children can get the most out of the internet.
From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns. Clickthe link below for this years safer internet day parent workshop.
Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees thousands of organisations get involved to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. To see what we did for Safer Internet Day 2024 click on this link:
Safer internet Day 2024
For help and advice for you as a parent or carer please click on this link:
Visit one of the below sites for more helpful Internet Safety information
Information For Parents Information For ChildrenSupporting your child online information in…
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