
Starting Nursery is a major milestone in you and your child’s life. From negotiating the first day to understanding what your child will be learning at school, there are a lot of new challenges ahead for you both – some exciting, others perhaps a little bit more nerve-wracking.

At Kensington Avenue Primary School, we’re excited to welcome your child with open arms and the biggest smile in September as they embark on their educational journey.

Nursery Admissions

At Kensington Avenue we manage our own Nursery admissions in accordance with Croydon Council admissions criteria (See below).

For more information regarding Croydon admissions criteria please see their website following the link below

We will admit 52 pupils at the start of Autumn Term. Children will then be separated into one AM class of 26 children and one PM class. Parents can state which session they would prefer on the Nursery Application Form which can be downloaded from the school website or collected from the School Office.

We will need to see your child’s passport of birth certificate and a copy will be submitted with your application.

AM Nursery session is 8.30am-11.30am
PM Nursery session is 12.30pm-3.30pm
Full Time is 8.30am-3.30pm

Click here for more information on School Admissions

New Admission form (Green)

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